When I started winter steelhead fishing with my dad and Granddad, back in the 1960s, our heater was briquettes in a metal bucket. On most days, uninsulated boots and fingerless wool gloves found the body numb before we got out of view of the boat ramp. Back then we had no other options, and knew no different. Today, things have changed.
When it comes to kids, the goal of every trip is to have fun and keep them wanting to come back. To achieve this, invest in the best rain gear and warm clothes possible. True, it gets pricey, but it’s a small price to pay for comfort and getting a kid hooked on fishing.
Heated jackets and vests are invaluable investments on those biting cold days. Cabela’s heated clothes offer a remote control system that’s easy to operate, and it works. The same goes for heated gloves, as keeping hands warm is critical. Hand warmers are also an option, and for this I prefer the larger size that lasts all day. Slip one into each glove and you’re set.
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